A Word to the Useful Idiots

A Word to the Useful Idiots

Everyone has a wish list of things we would like to see for ourselves, for others, and for society in general. The slippery slope arrives when we assume a position to impose our will on others, in spite of their belief system. The current involves a widespread attack on the values and principles granted by our First Amendment right to freedom of religion disguised as an attack on birth control and contraception. But don’t be deceived.

You are the future. Some of you will go on to lead our great nation. As for now, you are the brawn that turn the wheels for the brains. It is here where oft times life experience and wisdom become your enemy. 

Throughout history, be it world wars, constructing buildings for industry or movements for a cause, you have been the brawn. But those directing young impressionable minds are not always looking out for your future as you may be led to believe.

Allow me to introduce to you H.R. 347, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011.

This bill will greatly hinder your right to protest government officials.  And not just at their office, but any area they patronize. Please read it carefully. 

You can protest corporations, religious groups and organizations all you want. Which is non-consequential, for now.   

As the dominos of morality continue to fall and civil liberties are taken, you will surely march on ridding the world of it’s wrongs, all with nothing but the best of intentions.

But what will you do when those in power step on your toes?  Think!

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